Thursday, 12 August 2010

Facebook accounts for 1 in 6 UK internet page views

"Facebook is the second most visited website in the UK: in June it accounted for 7.14% of all UK Internet visits and over half (54.48%) of all visits to a social networking websites. In terms of total visits it continues to trail Google UK (9.59% market share in June) and, as we’ve highlighted before, will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. However, using the measure of total page views rather than visits, Facebook is way ahead. As the table below illustrates, the social network accounted for 16.73% of UK page views during June. In other words: 1 in every 6 Internet pages viewed in the UK was a Facebook page."
Source:  Hitwise Intelligence, reported by analyst Robin Goad in his blog, 9th August 2010

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