Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Mobile App Stats presentation

Lots of good stats in here, all correctly sourced

Source: Compiled by Stuart Dredge of Mobile Entertainment (Intenet Media)

300,000 new twitter accounts are created each day

"# of tweets, daily: 70 million
# of tweets, monthly: 2 billion
# of registered users: 145 million
# of account sign-ups, daily: 300,000"
Source:  Matt Graves, Communications Director, Twitter, reported by DigitalMusicNews, 20th August 2010

Snoop Dogg has earned over $200,000 from selling branded virtual goods in social networks

"A case study that is part of a new report on the growth of virtual good sales estimates that Snoop Dogg has sold more than $200,000 of branded virtual goods across several social networks. Snoop has generated  sales across social platforms like Gaia Online, Zwinky and Viximo’s network of social networking partners. On social game WeeWorld, his sales are 2.5 times more than non-branded goods.
“My virtual items are off tha chain jacc! It’s a world and a movement that I have been down with since day 1,” says the rapper.
The report by social gamer Viximo and virtual goods platform Virtual Greats predicts that branded virtual goods (BVGs) will reach $150 million in 2013 and $318 million by 2015."
Source:  Data from Viximo and Virtual Greats, reported by Hypebot, 23rd August 2010

Nearly a quarter of a million people in the UK accessed the BBC iPlayer through their iPhones in July 2010

"In July 2010, 6,400 programmes (1,026 hours of programming) were streamed from the iPlayer to Android devices
In the same month, 5,272,464 programmes were "requested" from the iPlayer to Apple mobile devices (iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad)
In July 2010, there was an average of 230,016 Apple mobile device users accessing programmes via the iPlayer each week
In the same month, there was an average of 1,106 Android device users accessing programmes via the iPlayer each week"
Source:  The Guardian, 27th August 2010

More than 10 independent acts make over $100,000 a year from YouTube in advertising revenue

"The research by TubeMogul, an analytics and internet advertising company, has revealed that at least 10 performers, writers and producers earned more than $100,000 (£65,000) each over the last 12 months from their short films which have achieved popularity largely through word of mouth.
Under a special partnership deal with the site, which is owned by search engine giant Google, original content creators are able to generate advertising revenues from their work and enjoy the same promotional benefits as more established stars. YouTube splits the revenue from banner ads 50-50 with its partners.
Nine of those that appeared in the top 10 are comics, including Shane Dawson, 22, a committed Christian who eschews sex before marriage, drugs and alcohol who was number one having earned an estimated $315,000 in the last 12 months from his near-the knuckle satirical videos."
Source:  Data from TubeMogul, reported by The Independent, 26th August 2010

20% of Americans play games on social networks

"According to Social Network Gaming, the most recent report from leading market research company, The NPD Group, 20 percent of the U.S. population ages 6 and older reports having played a game on a social network in the past three months.  This equates to 56.8 million U.S. consumers, which is a significant number for a relatively new gaming activity.
According to the report, 35 percent of social network gamers are new to gaming, never having  participated in any other type of gaming before they started playing games on social networks. Females and older age groups are more likely to be new gamers than other groups measured in the study.
Interestingly, despite the perception that social network gamers are primarily females, the study finds that social network gamers are fairly evenly divided between genders, at 47 percent male, and 53 percent female."
Source:  Press release from NPD, 23rd August 2010

Sunday, 22 August 2010

More than 120 UK Ebay traders are on track to generate over £1m in revenues in 2010

"Ebay  has declared that Britain's small businesses have "come of age" online, after reporting that the number of its traders who are turning over £1m a year had nearly doubled over the last 12 months.
Data released by the e-commerce site today showed that 127 companies are on track to achieve a turnover of at least £1m during 2010, compared with 66 in 2009. Seven of the companies only started selling goods on ebay.co.uk this year, and 11 are increasing their turnover by more than 300% annually."
Source:  The Guardian, 21st August 2010

Friday, 20 August 2010

AmazonMP3 has nearly 1.5 million followers on twitter

AmazonMP3, an Amazon twitter account that tweets about daily offers on music from Amazon, has nearly 1.5 million followers.
Source:  Official page

Total mobile advertising on Android phones in the US rose by 690% between January and June 2010

"Android ad requests grew 47% month-over-month. Since January, Android has grown 690%.
iOS ad requests increased 24% month-over-month. Since January, iOS has increased 15%.
RIM ad requests increased 18% month-over-month. Since January, RIM has increased 66%.
iPad ad requests grew 327% month-over-month."
Source:  Data from the mobile ad network Millennial Media, reported by Fortune, 18th August 2010
Sign up for the full monthly report from Millenial Media here
Note - Millennial Media is only one network, but it's figures are likely to be indicative of the overall picture.

The average Facebook user is worth approximately $2.50 per year to the site in advertising revenue

"A new estimate from eMarketer says the company will book $1.285 billion in global advertising alone this year, almost double the estimated $665 million the company took in last year. That figure doesn’t include Facebook’s so-called virtual currency trade, which would nonetheless account for a fraction of the company’s overall business.
With more than 500 million active users, this places the average value of a Facebook user around $2.57. Not surprisingly, however, the average US user is worth a lot more.
As TechCrunch reports, “ US ad spending on Facebook is estimated to be $835 million this year, up from $500 million in 2009.” With the US accounting for about 30% of active Facebook users, that puts that average worth of an American Facebook user around $55."
Source:  Data from eMarketer and Techcrunch, reported by ReveNews, 13th August 2010

Thursday, 19 August 2010

20% of US teens suffer from some type of hearing impairment

"Are ear buds bad for your hearing? Researchers aren't prepared to say a definitive "yes," but evidence is mounting.
A new national study has found that 1 in 5 adolescents now suffers some sort of hearing impairment. A likely culprit: a combination of ear buds and loud music.
In the Aug. 18 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers from the Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston analyzed federal data collected from national yearly surveys of the health of American citizens.
They looked at the prevalence of hearing loss among U.S. adolescents between 1988 and 1994 and compared that with the prevalence of hearing loss between 2005 and 2006. They found a 31 percent increase in hearing loss among those between 12 and 19 years old. Researchers say this means 1 in 5 adolescents now suffers some sort of hearing impairment.
While the hearing loss is described as only slight or mild, earlier studies have found that even mild hearing loss can negatively affect academic achievement and social interaction."
Source:  Data from the Journal of the American Medical Association, reported by NPR, 17th August 2010

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Facebook has more than 500m Users (Full stats)

"People on Facebook
More than 500 million active users
50% of our active users log on to Facebook in any given day
Average user has 130 friends
People spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook

Activity on Facebook
There are over 900 million objects that people interact with (pages, groups, events and community pages)
Average user is connected to 80 community pages, groups and events
Average user creates 90 pieces of content each month
More than 30 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photo albums, etc.) shared each month.

Global Reach
More than 70 translations available on the site
About 70% of Facebook users are outside the United States
Over 300,000 users helped translate the site through the translations application

More than one million developers and entrepreneurs from more than 180 countries
Every month, more than 70% of Facebook users engage with Platform applications
More than 550,000 active applications currently on Facebook Platform
More than one million websites have integrated with Facebook Platform
More than 150 million people engage with Facebook on external websites every month
Two-thirds of comScore’s U.S. Top 100 websites and half of comScore’s Global Top 100 websites have integrated with Facebook

There are more than 150 million active users currently accessing Facebook through their mobile devices.
People that use Facebook on their mobile devices are twice as active on Facebook than non-mobile users.
There are more than 200 mobile operators in 60 countries working to deploy and promote Facebook mobile products"
Source:  Official Facebook Statistics, retrieved 18th August 2010.
Earlier figures here

Friday, 13 August 2010

30 million Wiis have been sold in the US

"Nintendo has announced that 30 million Wii consoles have now been sold in the US.
Not bad considering it's been on sale there for less than four years.
Topping the first-party software chart is remote-bundled title Wii Play. Other big hitters include Mario Kart, Wii Fit and New Super Mario Bros. Wii.
The most popular third-party game is Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock, followed by Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games."
Source:  Eurogamer 11th August 2010

Thursday, 12 August 2010

Chinese site Taobao sold approximately $1.3bn worth of shoes in 2009

"According to statistics from Chinese e-commerce company Taobao's "Taobao DataCube" platform, during the 7-month period from January to July 2010, Taobao transaction volume for shoe products was over RMB 7.6 bln (approx US$1.1bn). Sales of shoes on Taobao surpassed RMB 9 bln (approx US$1.3bn) in 2009, including RMB 1.1 bln (approx US$160m) in men's shoes and over RMB 4 bln (approx US$600m) in women's shoes, as well as over RMB 4 bln (approx US$600m) in athletic shoes."
Source:  Marbridge Consulting, 12th August 2010
Currency conversions done on the site XE.com on 12th August 2010

The forum 4chan receives approximately 9.5 million unique users per month

"Q. And can you describe that briefly, please. What sort of matrix or measurements suggest that it
might be a popular site?
A. As of now in the past 30 days the site received approximately hits from nine and a half million
unique visitors.
Q. And that is during a 30 day cycle?
A. Yes."
Source:  Cross examination of 4chan founder Chris Poole by Mark Krotosk, 22nd April 2010.  Full pdf here
Note - I am assuming that April 2010 was a typical month

Facebook accounts for 1 in 6 UK internet page views

"Facebook is the second most visited website in the UK: in June it accounted for 7.14% of all UK Internet visits and over half (54.48%) of all visits to a social networking websites. In terms of total visits it continues to trail Google UK (9.59% market share in June) and, as we’ve highlighted before, will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. However, using the measure of total page views rather than visits, Facebook is way ahead. As the table below illustrates, the social network accounted for 16.73% of UK page views during June. In other words: 1 in every 6 Internet pages viewed in the UK was a Facebook page."
Source:  Hitwise Intelligence, reported by analyst Robin Goad in his blog, 9th August 2010

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

The equivalent of 300,000 Symbian smartphones were shipped per day in Q2 2010

"The Symbian Foundation today revealed it has shipped over 27 million devices in the Q2 period. This equates to almost 300,000 per day, 207 per minute or over three a second. These figures, released in Canalys’ latest report (www.canalys.com/services/reports/spmt), highlight Symbian’s continued position as the world’s most popular smartphone operating system, which has now become the first to be shipped in over 25 million devices in the space of one quarter."
Source - Symbian.org, 4th August 2010

Friday, 6 August 2010

An estimated 200,000 Android phones are sold each day

"Google CEO Eric Schmidt said on Wednesday that Google believes that some 200,000 new Android devices are being sold each day, leading to significant revenue in the form of increased mobile search traffic.
"People are finally beginning to figure out how successful Android is," Schmidt said at the inaugural Techonomy conference here, pointing to recent studies showing the growth of the mobile operating system outpacing even the popular iPhone.
"The number was about 100,000 (a day) about two months ago," Schmidt said. "It looks like Android is not just phenomenal but incredibly phenomenal in its growth rate. God knows how long that will continue.""
Source:  CNET, 4th August 2010

If the iPad is taken into account, Apple is the world's 3rd largest maker of portable computers

"Starting with IDC's global portable computing market share survey for the June 2010 quarter, he has redrawn Apple's (AAPL) share, adding the 3.27 million iPads the company sold in the quarter to its 2.47 million MacBooks and MacBook Pros.
"When including the iPad as part of the NB [notebook] market," [Deutsche Bank's Chris Whitmore] writes, "Apple leapt over Asus, Lenovo, Toshiba and Dell in terms of global unit share."
Viewed this way, Apple goes from being No. 7 in the worldwide portable computer market to No. 3, after only Hewlett Packard (HPQ) and Acer. And it's not stopping there, says Whitmore."
Source:  CNN Money, 2nd August 2010

Amanda Palmer sold $15,000 worth of music merchandise on her site in 3 minutes

"From our view here at Bandcamp HQ, yesterday’s launch of Amanda Palmer Performs the Popular Hits of Radiohead on Her Magical Ukulele less resembled a record release than a coordinated strike of ravenous piranha. In one three minute period, her fanbase snapped up $15,000 in music and merch. It didn’t let up much from there: 4,000 digital EPs were sold, the vinyl sold out, most of the high end packages disappeared in minutes, and at the time of this writing, it looks like every other package will be gone in a matter of days."
Source:  Bandcamp blog, 21st July 2010
(See Amanda Palmer's site here)

3 million new characters are created in Habbo Hotel each month

"Habbo Hotel has just joined the exclusive club of websites that can claim ten years online. The public beta of the first incarnation, Hotelli Kultakala, rolling out on 28 August 2000, followed by the English-language beta on 16 January 2001. The combined platform now claims 170 million users in 11 countries.
Some Habbo stats, as of last month:
• 172m avatars created
• 3m new characters created each month
• 120m user-created rooms
• 15m monthly unique users
• Average user session is 42 minutes"
Source:  The Guardian, 5th July 2010

The most common device used for reading a digital book inthe US is a PC

"Roughly 2% of American book buyers over age 13 are active ebook users, meaning they obtained an ebook or a reader device in the last year. About half of those were first-time ebook buyers, so the usage of ebooks has probably roughly doubled in the last year. BISG is doing multiple waves in the survey, and says it found a 25% increase in ebook usage just over the holiday season, so it was a pretty good Christmas (and Hanukkah) for ebooks.
The most-used device for reading an ebook is a personal computer (47%); Amazon Kindle is number two (32%), followed by Apple’s iPhone and iPod Touch (21%)."
Source:  Consumer Attitudes toward E-Book Reading Report, by the Book Industry Study Group, reported by the Digital Book World blog, 25th February 2010

Every two days we create as much information as we did from the dawn of civilisation until 2003

"Today at the Techonomy conference in Lake Tahoe, CA, the first panel featured Google CEO Eric Schmidt. As moderator David Kirkpatrick was introducing him, he rattled off a massive stat.
Every two days now we create as much information as we did from the dawn of civilization up until  2003, according to Schmidt. That’s something like five exabytes of data, he says.
Let me repeat that: we create as much information in two days now as we did from the dawn of man through 2003."
Source: Techcrunch, 4th August 2010

Digital revenues accounted for 27% of Warner Music Group's total reveneus in the quarter to June 2010

"Total revenue of $652 million declined 16% from the prior-year quarter, and was down 15% on a constant-currency basis.
Digital revenue was $179 million, or 27% of total revenue, up 2% from $175 million in the prior-year quarter and down 10% sequentially from the second quarter of fiscal 2010. On a constant-currency basis, digital revenue was up 1% from the prior-year quarter and fell 9% sequentially."
Source:  Press release from Warner Music Group, for the Quarter to 30th June 2010, 5th August 2010

The 'Madden NFL' video games have sold 85 million copies and generated more than $3 billion in revenue

"You can measure the impact of "Madden" through its sales: as many as 2 million copies in a single week, 85 million copies since the game's inception and more than $3 billion in total revenue. You can chart the game's ascent, shoulder to shoulder, alongside the $20 billion-a-year video game industry, which is either co-opting Hollywood (see "Tomb Raider" and "Prince of Persia") or topping it (opening-week gross of "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2": $550 million; "The Dark Knight": $204 million)."
Source:  ESPN, August 2010

adidas was the most mentioned World Cup sponsor in blog posts relating to the tournament

Click to enlarge
"Which sponsor benefited the most from its involvement with the World Cup?
To get a handle who prevailed within the blogging landscape, we used MAP (our flagship analytics service) to compare activity between FIFA’s sponsorship “partners” – Sony, Visa, Hyundai, Kia, Emirates, Coca-Cola and Adidas.
Using the query “company name” AND “World Cup”, the winner by a wide margin was Adidas, which captured 42.2% of total blog activity. Sony was second with 20.2%, while Coca-Cola was third with 12.2%."
Source:   Sysomos blog, 13th July 2010

Google has over 98% of the mobile search market

Click to enlarge

"Google has been dominating the search engine market for years, but at least there are some competitors that have a few percent each.
But if you look at mobile search, i.e. search on mobile devices, which is more or less the smartphone market, Google is utterly crushing the competition to a level that it’s never managed in the regular search market.
Just look at this very telling chart, showing Google’s overall search and mobile search market shares in relation to those of Yahoo and Bing, its two closest rivals."
Source:  Data from Statcounter, reported by Pingdom, 29th July 2010

Some of Facebook's largest advertisers 'have increased their advertising spend ten-fold' in the past 12 months

"Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook's sites chief operating officer, claims that some of its most prolific advertisers have increased their spending ten-fold in the past 12 months. In an interview with Bloomberg News, she said that major brands are increasingly seeing Facebook as a viable route to consumers.
"Two years ago the big brands were experimenting with us. They started buying with us a year ago. Now, they're going big," she said. Facebook does not provide sales or profit figures, and Ms Sandberg declined to give the names of its largest advertisers in the interview. Big name advertisers are known to include Adidas and JP Morgan Chase.
However, recent reports suggested Facebook produced sales of $700m to $800m last year, and is on track for $1bn-plus bn this year. Last year it was thought to have made a small profit – in the tens of millions – although that is expected to grow this year, particularly in light of Ms Sandberg's comments.
In the interview, she disclosed that some advertisers have increased spending by more than 20-fold, while the company has managed to hold its advertising rates in line with the continued growth in the sites' users."
Source:  Interview with Facbook COO on Bloomberg News, reported by The Daily Telegraph, 4th August 2010

Thursday, 5 August 2010

Spend on recorded music stabilised in the UK in 2009, after a 5 year downward trend

"Highlights of the Adding Up The UK Music Industry 2009 report include:
• The UK music industry was worth £3.9bn in 2009, up 4.7% on 2008.   Combined business-to-consumer revenues (live industry and recorded music sales) grew 4.8% to £2.9bn making up 75% of the total industry
• Retail spend on recorded music including CDs, downloads, music DVDs and streaming stabilised, helped by growth in licensed digital music services  and ending a five year overall downward trend
• International licensing revenue from music use overseas is becoming increasingly important with demand from the US, France, Germany, Japan and Holland as well as growth in emerging markets such as Eastern Europe
• Live music revenues have increased 9.4% to £1.5bn including direct ticket sales, secondary ticketing and ‘on the night’ spend, but have slowed from 2008’s outstanding growth of 13%
• Business-to-business revenues including royalty collections from organisations and businesses using music, direct licensing of music services and advertising and sponsorship totalled £967m up 4.4% on 2008
• Recorded music revenues in the UK are shown to be larger than the US when expressed per head of population"
Source:  Press release from the PRS to announce the Adding Up The UK Music Industry 2009 report, 4th August 2010

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Amazon claims to have 70-80% of the US digital books market

"[Ian] Freed: [...] The American Association of Publishers has said that e-books have grown at about 200 percent year over year. Our sales are growing faster than that, so you can back into what that means in terms of segment share.
CNET: Well, Apple's saying it's got 20 percent market share and I've heard Barnes & Noble saying it's got 20 percent as well, so that would leave you guys with...
Freed: Honestly, something doesn't add up because we're pretty sure we're 70 to 80 percent of the market. So, something, somewhere isn't quite working right. I encourage you to do some more research. Obviously, from the beginning of Amazon we've been very metrics-focused and we don't typically throw out numbers we don't firmly believe in. Take that 70 to 80 percent number and add up all the others and something somewhere isn't going to add up."
Source:  Ian Freed of Amazon, interviewed by CNET, 2nd August 2010

Monday, 2 August 2010

The global smartphone market grew by 64% Y-o-Y in Q2 2010

"Nokia retained a substantial lead in the worldwide smart phone market in Q2 2010, achieving a 38% market share. The vendor shipped a record 23.8 million smart phones during the quarter, representing growth of 41% on a year ago, as it focused on delivering affordable smart phone offerings to the market, such as its popular 5230 touch-screen handset, based on the Symbian operating system (OS). But Nokia’s market dominance is not as unassailable as it once was, with its performance outpaced by growth in the smart phone market as a whole.
The smart phone market grew by 64% annually worldwide in Q2 2010. At the same time, shipments of RIM’s BlackBerry smart phones grew by 41%. Helped by the continued strong performances of devices such as the Curve 8520, it was once again the second placed vendor with an 18% market share, while also retaining its leadership position in North and Latin America. Despite a period of turbulent PR, initial shipments of the iPhone 4 were predictably strong and contributed to Apple’s 61% growth and worldwide market share of 13% for the quarter. But analysis of Canalys’ detailed, globally consistent data shows it is the collective growth of Android device shipments across a range of handset vendors’ portfolios that is most remarkable. With key products from HTC, Motorola, Samsung, Sony Ericsson and LG, among others, shipments of smart phones running the Google-backed Android operating system grew an impressive 886% in Q2 2010."
Source:  Canalys press release, 2nd August 2010

Sunday, 1 August 2010

20 billion tweets have been posted

"There have now been more than 20 billion tweets since Twitter (Twitter)’s inception, according to tracking service GigaTweet.
The milestone comes just two months after the service hit 15 billion tweets and about five months since it reached 10 billion, indicating that activity levels on the microblogging service continue to accelerate.
While GigaTweet’s count is unofficial, Twitter indicated earlier this year that they’re seeing more than 50 million tweets per day. With the company recently breaking its own activity records during the World Cup (World Cup), we imagine the numbers are fairly accurate."
Source:  Data from Gigatweet, reported by Mashable, 31st July 2010