"Albums that sold at least one copy in 2009: 98,000
Albums selling more than 10,000 units in 2009: 1,319
Albums selling more than 10,000 units in 2008: 1,515
Albums selling more than 250,000 units in 2009: 85
Albums selling more than 250,000 units in 2001: 214
Albums selling more than 5,000 units in 2009: 2,058
Albums selling under than 1,000 units in their first year of release: 92,601
Number of albums selling less than 100 copies in 2009: 81,000"
Source: Data from Nielsen Soundscan quoted by Tommy Silverman and Eric Garland at the New Music Seminar, July 2010, reported by DigitalMusicNews, 21st July 2010
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