Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Nearly 30% of smartphone users start their day with the mobile internet, and 45% end their day with it

"Nearly a third (30%) of smartphone users start their day with the mobile Internet and 45% end their day with it, with the peak time for use while relaxing at home in the evening (64%). The only time Web use falls off dramatically is when people are actively engaged in other activities like sports or at live events.
"This clearly demonstrates how mobile Internet use has caused a significant shift in consumer need to have constant connection with the outside world," stated the report, which based its findings on a survey of 8000 active smartphone users across Italy, Sweden, the U.K., U.S., Australia, China, India and South Korea.
What's more, people are accessing the mobile Web at home while consuming other media. Half of smartphone users said they browse the mobile Web while watching TV, listening to the radio, and while traveling. Thirty-nine percent do so while using the PC-based Internet, and 34% while reading newspapers and magazines. From these findings, Initiative concluded that marketers can use mobile to amplify messaging in other media."
Source: Initiative Media, reported by Mediapost, 22nd June 2010

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