Tuesday, 20 April 2010

3.6% of people exposed to an online advertising campaign visit the brand website during the course of the campaign

"By visualising all campaign exposures on the metered panel, we are also able to determine the true role of online display in driving people to the advertiser site post-exposure, and not just directly after they clicked on the ad. We were able to report back that online display is, on average, 20 times more powerful than the current CTR metric would have us believe (ie on average, 3.6% went on to visit the advertiser site post-exposure, compared with an average CTR of 0.18%)."
Source: Connecting The Dots, by Matthew Dodd of Nielsen, in Admap magazine, March 2010
(Accessable through WARC.com, but password protected)
Methodology - the results are based on "the results of 100 studies, based on a sample of more than 380,000 panel observations"

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