Monday, 8 February 2010

The iPhone was the third best selling smartphone in 2009, with a 14.4% market share

"According to IDC's market report, Apple shipped 25.1 million iPhones in 2009 capturing 14.4% of smartphone market share. This represents a 81.9% year-over-year growth for iPhones. Apple's fourth quarter iPhone shipments stood at 8.7 million representing a market share of 16%. Nokia still holds the top spot with 67.7 million shipments, representing a 38.9% market share followed by RIM with 34.5 million shipments and 19.8% market share for 2009.
HTC and Samsung captured 4.6% and 3.3% smartphone market share respectively, while rest of the vendors represented 19% of the 174.2 million smartphones shipped in 2009."
Source: IDC, reported by A4AAPL, 5th February 2010

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