Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Friday, 20 February 2009

40% of US TV stations are now only broadcasting digitally

"About 40 percent of the nation’s TV stations — 681 of them — have made the switch to digital." (The official cut-off date is 12th June)
Source: LostRemote, 17th February 2008

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

UK national newspaper sales fell by 17% between 2002 and 2008

"Consider first the overall daily national newspaper market. The monthly year-on-year drop comparing December 2008 to December 2007 was 4.5%. That compares with 2% (2007-6), 3.2% (2006-5), 1.7% (2005-4), 3.2% (2004-3) and 3.8% (2003-2). Clearly, therefore, the downward trend is accelerating."
Source: Roy Greenslade in The Guardian, 9th January 2009 using figures from the ABC
(Working to produce the aggregate decline done by me - please leave a comment if you get different figures)

Friday, 6 February 2009

The top 3 categories of iPhone apps are Games, Entertainment & Utilities

Currently 78% are paid for, 22% are free.
Source: Mobclix.com; data retrieved 6th February 2009
Also shows the top 5 paid apps, top 5 free apps, latest 5 apps

Monday, 2 February 2009

6.3m UK homes have PVRs

"New data from Sky shows they have 5.4m customers with Sky+ boxes (of which 779k are High Definition). And Freeview recently reported they have sold over 900k Freeview + boxes."
Source: Data from Sky and Freeview, cited in Big Picture on Advertisng, 28th January 2008