I love the smell of data in the morning! Interesting and surprising statistics about digital media and devices. Compiled & curated by Dan Calladine, Dentsu - dan.calladine@dentsu.com - All views expressed are my own. Please email me if you have any queries, amendments or suggestions. Follow me on twitter - I'm @dancall
Saturday, 20 December 2008
2.6 billion minutes are spent on Facebook each day worldwide
2.6 billion minutes are spent on Facebook each day (worldwide)
More than 13 million users update their statuses at least once each day
More than 2.5 million users become fans of Pages each day
More than 700 million photos uploaded to the site each month
More than 4 million videos uploaded each month
More than 15 million pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photos, etc.) shared each month
More than 2 million events created each month
More than 19 million active user groups exist on the site"
Source: Facebook Press Statistics, retreived 20th December 2008
Updated here
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
Barack Obama is the most followed twitter user
"We just made history. All of this happened because you gave your time, talent and passion. All of this happened because of you. Thanks" on 5th November.
The fastest rising twitter users are:
Rick Sanchez - 35,882 followers in 141 days
Stephen Fry - 32,671 followers in 154 days
Source: Twitterholic.com - data collected on 16th December 2008
Friday, 12 December 2008
In Helsinki 57% of public transport single tickets are paid by mobile
Source: Figures quoted by Alan Moore on page 8 of his paper The Glittering Allure of the Mobile Society, November 2008
Thursday, 11 December 2008
YouTube was the top search result for 2008 in 11 major countries
This shows two things - that YouTube is incredibly popular globally, and that people use search for navigational purposes - that is to find specific things that they already know (rather than type in a term like 'video site')
Source: Google Zeitgeist 2008
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
In Japan, mobile accounts for over 90% of all digital music revenue
Source: Ofcom International Communications Market 2008, November 2008
(The whole report - over 300 pages - is available for free download here
Approximately 70 new iPhone apps are added every day
Of those apps, about 3,500 of them are games (games and entertainment categories). The average price is $3.13 with $0.99 being the most common price. Interesting how this has fallen over the past few months.
It would cost almost $32,000 to buy every single app in the app store, but you would only be able to install 148 of them at a time. The least popular category is Weather with only 52 apps thus far.
A the current pace, the iTunes App Store should hit 25,000 applications sometime around the 1 year anniversary of July 11, 2009."
Source: 148apps blog, 29th November 2008, pre-empting Apple's announcement of 10,000 applications
There are now over 10,000 individual apps for the iPhone
The ad, which can be seen after the page break, boasts that more than 300 million applications have been downloaded from a catalog that now tops 10,000 different apps."
Source: Apple, in an ad in the NYT and WSJ, cited by CNET, 5th December 2008
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
A SecondLife avatar has approximately the same carbon footprint as a Brazillian
(4,000 x 250 x 24) + (12,500 x 120 x 24) = 60,000,000 watt-hours or 60,000 kilowatt-hours
Per capita, that's:
60,000 / 12,500 = 4.8 kWh
Which, annualized, gives us 1,752 kWh. So an avatar consumes 1,752 kWh per year. By comparison, the average human, on a worldwide basis, consumes 2,436 kWh per year. So there you have it: an avatar consumes a bit less energy than a real person, though they're in the same ballpark.
Now, if we limit the comparison to developed countries, where per-capita energy consumption is 7,702 kWh a year, the avatars appear considerably less energy hungry than the humans. But if we look at developing countries, where per-capita consumption is 1,015 kWh, we find that avatars burn through considerably more electricity than people do.
More narrowly still, the average citizen of Brazil consumes 1,884 kWh, which, given the fact that my avatar estimate was rough and conservative, means that your average Second Life avatar consumes about as much electricity as your average Brazilian."
Source: Nicholas Carr, 5th December 2006, on his blog Rough Type
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
13-25s make up over 30% of all UK mobile internet users
One point of congruency occurred in the 35-44 year old age group, which accounted for a 23 percent share of total users in both the PC and mobile user-bases."
Source: comScore UK PC & Mobile Internet Usage Report, December 2008
Monday, 1 December 2008
7.3m Britons used the mobile internet in Q3 2008, up 25% on Q2
The mobile Internet audience has a higher concentration of younger users than PC-based Internet; 25% of mobile Internet consumers are aged 15-24 compared to 16% for PC-based consumers. Whilst, 23% of the PC-based Internet population is 55+, only 12% of the mobile Internet audience is"
Source: Nielsen Online, 24th November 2008
91% of UK mobile owners keep the phone within 3 feet, 24x7
- Mobile is as addictive as smoking cigarettes. Removing mobile phones produces similar withdrawal pains as attempting to stop smoking.
- Text-and-driving is more dangerous than stoned or drunk driving.
63% of people are not willing to share their phone with our spouse.
- 1 in 3 partners snoop inside the phone, mostly when we're in the shower. 10% of people ended relationships after this.
- 1 in 4 British couples sleeps apart 1 night a week because of their partners addiction to Blackberry, phones, etc."
Source: Tom Hume, 17th November 2008, quoting figures reported by Tomi Ahonen at the Future of Mobile conference in London
178 million Europeans are online each week
Source: The European Interactive Advertising Association (EIAA), 19th November 2008
Apple has sold 174.1m iPods
Source: RegisterHardware, 18th November 2008, citing Apple figures
Gears of War 2 generates 15m hours of online gameplay in a weekend
Not only does that make it one of the biggest ever openings on the console but it managed to smash the Xbox LIVE record for online activity too. More than 1.5 million people signed into Gears of War 2 during the weekend, racking up a total 15 million gameplay hours, setting a new record for concurrent LIVE players."
Source: Gizmodo, 12th November 2008
Facebook has 15m regular users via mobile phones
Source: Facebook, 10th November 2008
Update - as at early January 2009 this had risen to 21m
The Apple iPhone was the best-selling phone in the US in Q3 2008
Source: NPD Group, 10th November 2008
The top 10 emerging markets will surpass the top 10 developed markets in terms of internet users in 2008
Source: IMF, ITU, Morgan Stanley Research, cited in Morgan Stanley Technology/Internet Trends, 5th November 2008
Number of users of Opera Mini mobile web browser has grown 311% in 12 months
Source, Opera, makers of the world's most popular mobile browser, November 2008
3bn photos have been posted to Flickr
Source: Flickr, 3rd November 2008
The Apple iPhone outsold the Blackberry in Q3 2008
Source: Thomas Husson of Jupiter Research, 22nd October 2008, citing an Apple earnings statement
MySpace stream 40m songs in the first 7 days of MySpace Music
Source: Mark Mulligan of Jupiter, 10th October 2008, citing data given by MySpace at the Popkomm conference
XBox360 users buy 3.8m music tracks a month
Source: Billboard, 20th October 2008, citing Microsoft
10bn photos have been uploaded to Facebook
To celebrate, we got a bunch of cupcakes and handed them out to our engineering and operations groups. One of our engineers calculated that if we had gotten one cupcake for each of our photos, and lined them up side by side, the line could reach halfway to the moon.
Here’s some other interesting recent stats on photos:
- 2-3 Terabytes of photos are being uploaded to the site every day
- We have just over one petabyte of photo storage
- We serve over 15 billion photo images per day
- Photo traffic now peaks at over 300,000 images served per second"
Source: Facebook, 15th October 2008
42% of American teens claim to be able to text blindfolded
Source: Harris Interactive, 12th September 2008
In June 2008 Bloggers have been blogging for an average of 3 years
Source: State of the Blogosphere, Technorati, September 2008
US 13-29s send an average of 20 text messages a day each
messages daily, compared to just 2 for Generation X (30-43) and less than one
for Baby Boomers (44 to 64)"
Source: Knowledge Networks, 18th September 2008
Saturday, 29 November 2008
13 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute
Source: YouTube founder Chad Hurley, posting on Google's blog, 16th September 2008
28% of US & Western European mobile subscribers have a 3G device
Source: MarketingVox, 8th September 2008, citing data from comScore
Approximately 0.2% of websites have a mobile version
Source: MobiForge, August 2008
88% of UK searches are 'navigational'
A quick refresher on the methodology that was used: we carried out an analysis of the top 2,000 search terms in the UK over the same 12 week period ending in May during 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008, categorizing them into branded / navigational terms (e.g. ‘bebo’, ‘ebay’, ‘bbc’ – i.e. searches where there was a clear intention to search for a brand or reach a particular website) and non-navigational terms (e.g. ‘flights to spain’, ‘free games’, etc.). As we’ve highlighted previously, this trend towards more navigational / branded search at the ‘head’ of search terms contrasts with more sophisticated generic search behaviour in the long tail."
Source: Hitwise, 14th August 2008
NBC's online coverage of the Beijing Opening Ceremony was 10x more popular than their coverage of the Athens ceremony
The 70 million page views are nearly 50 million more page views than the peak day in Athens (Day 4, 20.6 million).
NBCOlympics.com’s 4.2 million unique users show an increase of 496% over the unique users for the opening day of the Athens Games in 2004 (705,000).
Since August 1, 2008, NBCOlympics.com has accumulated more than 127 million page views, nearly half the TOTAL for the entire Athens Games
Source: LostRemote.com, 9th August 2008, citing data from NBC
There were 253m Chinese online by the end of June 2008
This report, the 22nd Statistical Report on the Internet Development in China, also indicates the number of broadband users has reached 214 million, which also tops the world. The CNNIC also announced that, by the time of July 22, the number of CN domain names, which was 12.18 million, had exceeded .de, the country-code Top Level Domain for Germany, thus becoming the largest country code Top-Level Domain names in the world. These three major breakthroughs show a big Internet power is taking shape."
Source: CNNIC, 31st July 2008
More tweens in the US spend and hour a day online than with any other medium
Nearly half of respondents go online many times per day (more than three), and 87% usually spend at least a half hour each time."
Source, ChiefMarketer, 29th July 2008, citing data from Doubleclick Performics
Over 28m people in India aged 15+ accessed the internet in May 2008
This makes India one of the fastest-growing internet populations, according to comScore's first study of internet usage in India"
Source: MarketingVox, 24th July 2008, citing research by comScore
10m iPhone apps downloaded in the first weekend
Source: Apple, 14th July 2008
Apple sold 1m 3G iPhones in the first 3 days of release
“iPhone 3G had a stunning opening weekend,” said Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO. “It took 74 days to sell the first one million original iPhones, so the new iPhone 3G is clearly off to a great start around the world.”"
Source: Apple, 14th July 2008
14m new domain names were registered in the first 3 months of 2008
published by VeriSign, Inc., the trusted provider of Internet infrastructure services for the networked world.
The close of the first quarter saw a total base of more than 162 million domain name registrations worldwide across all of the Top Level Domain Names (TLDs). This represents a 26 percent increase over the same quarter last year, and 6 percent growth over the fourth quarter of 2007. That pace of quarterly growth is about the same as the average quarterly growth rate from 2007."
Source: VeriSign, 16th June 2008
More than 8m people downloaded Firefox 3 in the first 24 hours of release
Ever since Firefox was launched in 2004 we've relied on our community to help us spread the word, and thanks to projects including crop circles, newspaper ads, giant stickers, videos, blogs and more we now have over 180 million users in more than 230 countries.
Source: Firefox statement, June 2008
Approximately 80% of mobile phones on sale in the UK are web capable
Of this total:
82% are fully mobile web capable and should give a good user experience (like a Nokia 6300, Samsung E840, Sony-Ericsson W580i)
17% are capable but limited by screen size or poor software. (e.g. Sony-Ericsson W375, Nokia 3110)
1% are not capable, and anyway only available in pay-as-you-go and not targeted for web users. (e.g. Motorola W208, Nokia 1200) "
Source: MobiForge.com, June 2008
Japan has about 25% of the global mobile handset market by value
Source: Eurotechnology Japan, 4th June 2008
Online advertising accounts for more than 10% of all ad spend in 7 European markets
Norwegian Internet users were the most expensive to target, with advertisers spending 133.20 euros per consumer reached, compared with the European average of 80.60 euros. In the United States, the average was 91.90 euros per person.
The sectors investing most in online advertising were entertainment and leisure, telecoms, and finance and insurance."
Source: Reuters, 2nd June 2008, citing data from the IAB/PWC
Friday, 28 November 2008
63% of rural homes in the UK have broadband, compared to 57% of urban ones
It is the first time that the country has overtaken the town, according to the report.
Four years ago urban dwellers were twice as likely to have broadband as those living in the country. "
Source: BBC, 21st May 2008, citing OFCOM research
UK online advertising revenues hit £2.8bn in 2007
Source: The Guardian, 8th April 2008, citing PwC/IAB
UK eCommerce spend reached €18.5bn in 2007
Source: Mintel, cited by NMA, 31st March 2008
70% of American girls aged 15-17 maintain a social network profile page
John Horrigan of the Pew Internet Project says these figures are likely to be echoed throughout the West. “The internet is a very expressive medium and you’re looking at times in a girl’s life when they are very socially expressive; the internet, and social networking particularly, enables that need,” he said."
Source: Pew Internet Project, cited in The Sunday Times, 9th March 2008
Pornographic terms represent 25% of all internet searches
"Pornographic websites | 4.2 million (12% of total websites) |
Pornographic pages | 420 million |
Daily pornographic search engine requests | 68 million (25% of total search engine requests) |
Daily pornographic emails | 2.5 billion (8% of total emails) |
Internet users who view porn | 42.7% |
Received unwanted exposure to sexual material | 34% |
Average daily pornographic emails/user | 4.5 per Internet user |
Monthly Pornographic downloads (Peer-to-peer) | 1.5 billion (35% of all downloads) |
Filipinos sent 1bn text messages daily in 2008
The Philippines is one of the prolific text messaging centers of the world with even the central bank governor sending monetary policy statements via mobile phone and an increasing number of consumers using their handsets for banking and bill payments."
Source: Reuters, 4th March 2008, citing the Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co. (PLDT)
100bn minutes of calls made on Skype
Source: Skype's blog, 13th February 2008
Over 85% of the online population has shopped online
Source: Nielsen Online, 30th January 2008
US Video game sales exceeded $17bn in 2007
These numbers mark a 43 percent increase year over year, solidifying the games industry's strong lead in growth over movie box office revenue, which totaled $9.7 billion at a 4 percent increase."
Source: Yahoo Games, 22nd January 2008
World of Warcraft has 10m subscribers
Source: Blizzard Entertainment press release, 22nd January 2008
Search marketing makes up 57% of UK online ad spend
Source: MarketingVox, 14th January 2008, citing (ultimately) PwC/IAB research
$29bn spent online in the US from 1st November - 31st December 2007
Source: comScore press release, 7th January 2008
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
First Post
During the interview I said something like "I very numerate, but also very literate - I'm interested in both sides", to which he said "Yes, that is a problem, isn't it?" (exact quote).
No, it's not a problem, it's a good thing. & so while I have my long running Digital Examples blog to cover adverts, virals and sites, I'm now starting this new Digital Stats blog.
This blog will feature interesting and jaw dropping stats from the digital world. All stats will have a headline figure, a quote to show the figure in context, and a link to the original article.
It's clearly not exhaustive, and while I may be accused of 'lies, damned lies and statistics' it is meant to provide small, memorable facts about how the world is becoming more and more digital.
The aim, as with Digital Examples, is to be able to post in less than 5 minutes, so that I can post often and regularly.